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Coconut Sugar And It Doesn’t Come From A Coconut!

Coconut Sugar And It Doesn’t Come From A Coconut!
Writer and expert2 years ago
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5 Misconceptions about Coconut Sugar

Alternatives to sugars have been growing in popularity over the last 5-10 years as people search out more nutrient-filled alternatives to refined sugar. Coconut sugar has caused a buzz in the health community for years, but it is rife with misconceptions about what it is and how healthy it is.

Misconception 1: It comes from the coconut

Surprisingly enough, this has to be one of the most common misconceptions of where coconut sugar comes from. Coconut sugar does not come from coconuts. Instead beneath the palms of the coconut tree, a yellow spiky blossom can be found, and it is filled with delectable liquid nectar. Coconut farmers tap the blossom of its nectar and boil it into a treacly syrup. It is then evaporated turning into coconut sugar granules to create a delicious sweet that resembles the appearance of dark brown sugar.

Misconception 2: It tastes like coconuts

Some believe given it is called ‘coconut sugar’ it tastes like a coconut or flavoured to taste like coconut sugar. Let’s be clear; It tastes absolutely nothing like coconuts. This may be good news for some, as coconut is an acquired taste! Instead, the flavour is similar but fuller than traditional brown sugars, slightly toasted and with an appealing smoky and musky qualities. An absolute taste discovery and one that has won Bonraw Coconut Blossom sugar with a gold star in the Great Taste Awards 2020.

Misconception 3: Coconut sugar is an allergen

Coconut sugar is often mislabeled as an allergen because it has the word ‘coconut’ in its name.In the United States and Canada, coconuts are considered an allergen and are classed as a tree nut allergy[i]. This is unusual as coconuts are fruits, not nuts, and having a coconut allergy is rare[ii]. However, caution is needed around any allergen by doing patch tests or consulting your doctor.

While there is controversy around whether coconuts are an allergen it’s important to know that this advice does not apply to coconut sugar.

Misconception 4: Coconut sugar doesn’t retain any nutrients from the nectar

Coconut nectar contains nutrients such as vitamin C, calcium, iron, copper, zinc, magnesium, and phosphorus according to the Food and Nutrient Research Institute.[iii] It has twice the amount of zinc and iron compared to regular sugar and contains antioxidants and phytonutrients. Phytonutrients aid in lowering cholesterol, blood sugar levels, and inflammation.

These vital nutrients are not lost during the boiling or evaporating process, coconut sugar is as nutritious as the freshly poured nectar.


Misconception 5: Tapping the coconut blossom flower is damaging to the coconut tree

Tapping coconut flowers is an age-old tradition, which in no way damages the coconut tree, instead, the practice supports local farmers in countries where coconuts are in abundance. The Food and Agriculture Organization has even claimed that coconut nectar production is the most sustainable way to produce any sweetener. [iv]

The reason being is that coconut trees benefit the environment ecologically by restoring damaged soil and requiring very little water in the process. They also produce 50-75% more sugar than sugarcane, while needing 20% fewer nutrients and water.[v]

Final, sweet thought.

We hope you learnt something new. Or if you knew this all already, you are quite the sweet whizz and we bet you’ve already got Bonraw in the cupboard.

If you haven’t tried Coconut Blossom, it is a delicious natural sugar alternative, which adds a delightful caramel sweetness to your baking, your porridge, or even a little to your morning coffee. If you use brown sugars, then switching it out for Bonraw Blossom is sustainable and mindful choice.

Bonraw’s Coconut Sugar is wildly flavorsome, sustainably grown, and ethically sourced from coconut trees in Indonesia. We don’t remove the nutritional goodness from our sugar, we want you to enjoy it the way nature intended. And as an everyday, extraordinary kitchen ingredient, Bonraw can be your first choice.


You can shop our Organic Coconut Blossom sugar here.


Writer and expert
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