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Bee Pollen is Dr. Amir Khan approved!

Bee Pollen is Dr. Amir Khan approved!
Writer and expert1 year ago
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Find out why big names in the health world, and celebrities like Victoria Beckham are talking about Bee Pollen.

Beloved health expert and resident doctor on ITV daytime shows such as This Morning and Lorraine, Dr. Amir Khan, was buzzing about Bee Pollen last week.[i] While discussing celebrity health trends, Khan shared that Victoria Beckham swears by her love of Bee Pollen, revealing that she regularly sprinkles it onto her salads and into her smoothies.

Beckham first boasted about Bee Pollen back in 2014. She wrote in a tweet that she is “totally obsessed with Bee Pollen! So good for you!” And while celebrity health hacks aren’t always what they seem, (thank you Gwyneth Paltrow) Bee Pollen is the exception to this rule. During this segment, Dr. Amir discussed the interest surrounding Bee Pollen. Sharing that “it does have many health benefits; it’s packed full of antioxidants which can mop up damaging free radicals inside of us and it’s good for our immune system.” Dr. Amir ended his piece by stamping Bee Pollen with his seal of approval.


For the Good-Sweet team at BONRAW, we’re over the moon that notable figures in the health world are using their platform to talk about a product that we hold very close to our hearts. We first launched our Mountain Bee Pollen in early 2022, but our journey with it began long before that. Our founder, Elpida, has been taking Bee Pollen for several years and has noticed its many health benefits. From boosting immune strength[i] to being a natural stress reliever, due to its potassium content. [ii]

We’re proud to work directly with expert producers of this nourishing superfood, but if we’d like to continue enjoying the positive effects of Bee Pollen, it’s important that we source it responsibly, “leaving enough for the hardworking Bees” as Dr. Amir well put it. We source our pollen from Sierra de Huelva in Andalucía, Spain, one of the most bio-diverse areas in the world. Spring flowers grow wild there, and we collect our pollen from the rockrose, lavender, heather, oak, rosemary, and thyme. We work with registered beekeepers who practice nothing but sustainable farming, our suppliers ensure that the colonies they care for have enough pollen and honey to thrive.


So why is BONRAW’s Bee Pollen different?

The Good-Sweet team is dedicated to helping you make good decisions around Sweet. When you choose BONRAW you’re choosing a sweet that gives back to you and the planet, as our sugars and sweeteners are sourced through low-intervention processes, that, as a result, retain the natural nutritional goodness of the sugars. That’s right, natural sugars can have nutritional benefits! But only IF it hasn’t undergone factory refinement. And let’s not forget about the taste, natural sources of sweet with minimal intervention present a taste discovery!

Mountain Bee Pollen is a unique product in our range, with remarkable health benefits and melt-in-your-mouth fine flavour. It is our sweetening duty to bring a quality product to market. This way, we ensure the Bee Pollen we use has been produced responsibly, protecting our precious bees and the planet.



Want to learn even more about Bee Pollen? Have a read of our ultimate guide to Bee Pollen here.

Shop our Organic Mountain Bee Pollen here.

Writer and expert
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